Weekly Announcements

For the week of May 12th, 2024

News & Events



FREE BOOKS! The two tables in front of the library are full of books that are free for the taking. Have a look and take what you’d like.


Mark your calendars for the Christ Church summer Vacation Bible School for kids ages 3-12y/o happening the mornings of July 8 – 12. The theme is “Scuba: Diving into Friendship with God”! The cost will be $25 per child for the week. For registration and more info, go to stouffvilleanglican.ca/summervbs


As mentioned during Vestry, there are a number of significant capital projects that we need to undertake over the next few years in order to protect the integrity and safety of our church property. The first of these will be a repaving of the front parking lot, entranceway, and a repair of a section of the rear parking lot. This paving project is scheduled to start on Monday, April 29, and is expected to take between 2-3 days. 

More detailed information has been posted at the doors of the church. If you’d like a copy emailed to you please ask Jenna.  The cost of this paving project will be covered by existing Building Reserve funds. Moving forward, we will be launching a capital campaign to replenish these funds in order to meet future building needs. 


A reminder that access to the daycare area is not permitted during their operating hours, 6:00 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday. This includes using the daycare entrances as access to the Church areas. If the front door to the Church is locked, there is an intercom on the right side that will enable you to speak with the office, letting them know that you are there. Office hours are 9:00 to 1:00 pm, Monday to Friday. With a building full of children, it is vital that access to the building is being controlled. Thank you for your cooperation.


We are pleased to announce that the enrolment at the Christ Church Child Care is near capacity. In order to keep our young guests safe and secure, we need to take a moment to remind everyone that all of the spaces used by the daycare are off limits during the hours that the daycare is operating, which are Monday to Friday, 6:00 am to 6:15 pm. This includes the Great Hall, plus all washrooms except for the one across from the Nailer Room. This also means that there can be no space rentals or public gatherings in any of the daycare areas, Monday to Friday, 6:00 am to 6:15 pm.   


Please take a look at the Christ Church adult library as we have two books of poetry authored by Larry Hopperton, who’s a member of our choir, and one book, "Grant us Tomorrow", a medical memoir which the stories of the Health Team missions to Northern Ghana with GRID and NEA, authored by Dr. Jennifer Wilson who is a GP from Uxbridge. 

York Region Food Network's Good Food Box

York Region Food Network is a non-profit community organization based in Aurora and serves the Region. The Good Food Box program offers fresh, quality fruits and vegetables from local farmers at 19th Avenue Farmer's Market and sell them at wholesale pricing. They've recently added a pick-up location in Stouffville. The program is open to everyone and The Good Food Box is available for pick-up on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. The contents of each box are different and will change based on seasonal availability. Each Good Food Box contains 6-8 types of fruits and vegetables and cost $18 (plus PayPal fees). The boxes are packed in Aurora by YRFN staff and a team of volunteers.  For more information, check out their website (here).



Our plant sale is coming up on May 25th.   Lots and lots and lots of plants are needed!   I hope you’re potting up plants whenever you’re working in your gardens.  If you put them in pots a week or so  before the sale, they’ll be strong and healthy by sale day.    Helpers are needed to help price and name the plants, deliver plants from my house to the Church, set up on Friday night and help price the plants from parishioners, and also to work at the sale on Saturday.   I’ve put a sign-up sheet in the Great Hall.  Please feel free to call or e-mail me.   Gail Wood 416 432-0293 or gail@woodmail.ca.   Take home a flyer and mention the sale to everyone you know.   Thanks!


Everyone is invited on Tuesday, May 14th at 1:00 p.m. to an enlightening afternoon at Grace Anglican Church in Markham, Ontario, as we delve into the importance of estate planning and legacy giving from a biblical perspective. Hosted by Reverend Canon Nicola Skinner, with a special appearance by Bishop Andrew Asbil, this seminar will provide valuable insights and information on how you can leave a lasting impact through your legacy.

Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. and a light Luncheon will be provided at 1:30 p.m. Space is Limited to the First 100 Registrants. This is an exclusive event for the York-Central Deanery. Please RSVP by May 10th to reserve your seat. To reserve your spot please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/879496857777?aff=oddtdtcreator

We look forward to seeing you there!


Tickets are now available for the Whitchurch-Stouffville Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May 16th at 7am. Come out and start your day with faith and fellowship at Oakview Terrace (13256 Leslie St., Richmond Hill). Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at Candlelight and Memories in Stouffville or online at wsprayerbreakfast.com.


This year’s tournament, and supper following the golf, will again be held at Mill Run Golf Club, Highland Course, but a couple of weeks later than last year’s date. We were unable to get a Saturday date due to other tournaments and weddings, so the event will be on Sunday, September 22nd. We will hold the number of golfers to 48 (twelve foursomes) with sequential tee-times starting around 12:30pm. Prices will be the same (or very close) to last year, and non-golfers are cordially invited to join the group for supper in the main ballroom at the clubhouse starting around 6:00pm. Please email Jim or Eleanor Winters for more details: (jamewint@hotmail.com OR eleanorc22@hotmail.ca) Thank you!


If you would like to add someone to our prayer list, please fill out our prayer request form. We ask that you seek permission from the person you wish us to pray for before submitting the form. Only first names will be read out during the service to help preserve privacy.